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Grandmaster West first received his Black Belt in 1967 during his contact with the Korean Tiger Division (ROK Capital Cavalry) while serving an extended tour as a communications specialist in Binh Dinh Province in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam. West's Hapkido Academy opened its doors in 1973 in Jackson, MS when GM West was a 3rd Dan. After searching the southeastern United States he was fortunate enough to become associated with Dr. He-Young Kimm. The two began a friendship in the 1970s which continues to this day. Dr. Kimm regularly teaches clinics at West's Hapkido Academy as well as acting as GM West's friend, mentor and advisor.

Grandmaster West first received his Black Belt in 1967 during his contact with the Korean Tiger Division (ROK Capital Cavalry) while serving an extended tour as a communications specialist in Binh Dinh Province in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam. West's Hapkido Academy opened its doors in 1973 in Jackson, MS when GM West was a 3rd Dan. After searching the southeastern United States he was fortunate enough to become associated with Dr. He-Young Kimm. The two began a friendship in the 1970s which continues to this day. Dr. Kimm regularly teaches clinics at West's Hapkido Academy as well as acting as GM West's friend, mentor and advisor.

Twisted Limb Martial Arts is proud to be associated

with the USKMAF and Grandmaster J.R. West

For more info, please visit
the home of the USKMAF and GM J.R. West at

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